The reactivated AETHER

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  The history and future of the Aether  



  1. Period   
The ancient Greek philosophers of nature summed up the world in four ancient elements: earth, water, air, fire.

  2. Period   
Higher-intelligence Greek nature philosophers have realized that the above four basic elements cannot function without connection, in the absence of a material suitable for connection. This linker was named aether.

  3. Period   
In the Middle Ages, the role of physics and science was pushed back, but their achievements in antiquity were retained and kept on the surface.

  4. Period  
The era of classical mechanics: Galilei, Newton, Volta, Faraday. During this period, the number of elements had already increased, while the aether remained in and the aether remained too.

  5. Period  
The age of Maxwell and Henrich Hertz. Measuring the wave nature of radio waves then made it clear to scientists that the aether, the medium with hidden electrical and magnetic properties, is essential for the propagation of alternating magnetic and electric waves. There was no doubt about that at the time.


  6. Period   

The initial steps in the relativity of motion: the era of Galilei, Lorentz,…. Michelson tried to measure the speed of light relative to moving objects, and the experiment led to an incomprehensible result. Otherwise, the logic was correct, because the experimental set-up was insufficient. (See more here!)

  7. Period  
In 1905, Einstein developed a complete physical theory based on relative motions and the only physical constant, the speed of light. At this time he did not yet notice that the aether of contemporary physics, forms an absolute system of reference, so it overwrites relative movements.

  8. Period  
In 1916, Einstein published the General Theory of Relativity, which also takes into account accelerating motion and gravity. The theory is so complicated that everyone respects it, but no one understands its essence.

  9. Period  
In 1918, an expedition led by the English astronomer Edington embarked on an observation of the solar eclipse, which confirmed the point of the theory. According to this, light bends four times as much under the gravity of the Sun as we would expect. Those unfamiliar with the subject may have forgotten that Newton had already doubled the deflection value in the past, and now considers it the unit. With her first calculation, Einstein also got this erroneous result, but fortunately, it could not be verified due to the Great War.



  10. Period  
In 1919, the President of the Swedish Academy, Araneus, did not award the Nobel Prize to Einstein under pressure from the physical community. He declares that what He does not understand, He refuses to reward.

  11. Period  
Arrhenius In 1920, he could no longer resist moral pressure and awarded Einstein the Nobel Prize. However, he keeps his word, and the reasoning does not include the theory of relativity, but the photo effect. The foundations of the theory were worked out by Lóránt Fülöp, but it is also true that it was Einstein who put the dot on the letter i.



  12. Period  
Einstein took the Prize late in early 1921 because he had toured Japan the previous year. From the above period, Einstein's authority grows greatly and he begins to successfully sweep the aether out of physics, as its existence conflicts with relativity.

  13. Period  
The period from 1921 to 2021 is characterized by a very rapid pace of theoretical and experimental development, but physicists are constantly struggling with the lack of a mediating medium, the aether. They can’t explain anything because they lack real support under the experiments. The era is also called physics “of today”, or “modern” physics. For my part, I call this era incomprehensible physics or incomplete physics.

  14. Period  
The rapidly proliferating experimental results, as well as the ever-increasing collision of basic physical theories, will inevitably force the return of aether to physics. This is expected to happen soon, and for my part, I consider this step to be belated and very desirable, and even inevitable. This move represents a real paradigm shift in physics that will involve a lot of work, many old theories will fail, but newer and more useful theories will emerge instead.

Date: 2021.December 23.


Tom Tushey

Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer



 Another articler:

Ether and Superstrings See here!



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