The reactivated AETHER

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  The eternal moving  


The perpetual mobile is an eternal mystery and the culmination of the desires of inventors for centuries. Numerous news and rumors have already spread around the world, and many inventions have spread that the great goal has been achieved or is almost being achieved. These are all kinds of moving or rotating mechanical structures, but there are also liquid, magnetic, and electromagnetic attempts. 

Perpetual motion is what moves for at least a few hours while it is not powered by any internal or external energy source, such as a pulled-up spring, a raised barbell, a jet of air, and so on. This means extra energy production, as the starting shock must overcome friction and air resistance. It would not make a qualitative difference if the structure also drove an external machine, ie in addition to overcoming the friction, it would also do some useful work.

If the structure moves for a few days or hours, it already proves to be good because the wear of the parts does not count in the evaluation.

perpeetum_mobile_1._kep.jpgFig. 1  is an example of a Perpeetum mobile


According to science, there is no perpetual motion because the law of conservation of energy cannot be circumvented. This position was also accepted by the public. To people, such an attempt seems pointless and even ridiculous. But despite all this, there may still be hidden energies in the neighborhood that could resolve the contradiction.

   However, open-minded researchers say that extra energy can appear with swirling and accelerating movements. Not from nothing, but from an invisible background, presumably from the vacuum, more specifically from the ether. Certain experiments confirm this assumption.

   According to my research so far, there are perpetual motion machines, and I will show this below in some condensed examples. Let us look at two famous or infamous medieval inventions as a preliminary.


Leonardo Da Vinci was a highly regarded, extremely skillful inventor. One of her inventions was the water-powered perpetual motion machine. The idea is, that the water flows onto a paddle water wheel and rotates it. This drives a screw water lifter that lifts the water back into the upper tank. Unfortunately, the impeller does not give off as much energy as is needed to lift the water back. Not just because there are friction and backflow losses. He did not yet know that linear processes have no chance of producing extra energy.


Fig. 2  Leonardo's perpeetum mobile

   However, this miraculous structure in his day was only of visuality and curiosity, at the same time embodied the tangible as well as the incredible. Although the King of France acknowledged the flawless operation of the miracle machine, he considered the selling price of 100,000 gold coins to be too high. She might not even have been able to pay the huge amount.

   The equipment itself was a large chest with a swivel wheel inside but then rotated for days and even weeks. There were spokes in the wheel, and iron balls or rods rolled and collided on them. Its operation was mostly characterized by a puff and click from a shapeless large chest. The protruding shaft end rotated and could not be stopped with bare hands. It was the turn of the interested professionals as well as the prestigious people who looked at the machine for a long time, shook their heads, but did not know what to do with it. Then came the skeptics too, who fabricated the usual childish explanation of the phenomenon, as well as their contemporaries, do today.

   "Surely a dwarf is hiding in the box, or the bearings are smeared with magic ointment, or hidden rods are protruding from the basement turning the wheel, and so on." They thought or said something like that, and they were secretly trying to stop the structure.


   Orffyreus gives every opportunity to the curious enemy to free him from his delusion. However, he never let the chest open. The “secret” inherent in it is likely to be revealed at first glance and become imitative. He kept the secret jealousy and eventually took it to the grave with him. Over the decades, however, he has drawn up and signed a large number of protocols with reputable people. They still exist today, they have probative value, but today’s scientists use the most skillful technique to do everything they can to hide the awkward problem. At the same time, based on a brief overview of the subject, all sane-minded people must conclude that Orffyreus's perpetual motion did indeed work. Many inventors believe this and try to reproduce the invention so far without success.


Fig. 3  Orffyreus's perpeetum mobile


The perpetual motion air

Take the first example of air as a special perpetual motion. In our room, air molecules zigzag, collide and spin frantically. This is the so-called. heat movement and lasts as long as the air temperature is above 0 degrees absolute. And this will be the case forever, as the temperature of the Universe is even higher, 4 degrees Kelvin. If we could edit a very small ratchet impeller in this medium, it would start from the push and rotate forever. The flying molecules and the impeller are no longer one, but two eternal ones.

4. The tornado as perpetual motion

The tornado carries an awful lot of energy, destroying nature and cities for weeks, making to flye cars and trucks. For one who has been badly destined to be in the destruction zone for a few hours, this is eternity. The tornado is triggered by the evaporation and precipitation cycle of overheated seawater. However, it is possible that the huge vortex that is triggered will extract extra energy from the vacuum, although the relevant calculations are not clear.


 Fig. 4  The tornado

5. The universe as eternal

The world's first perpetual motion is the Universe itself and its constant expansion. In addition, the celestial bodies, planets, stars, and galaxies within them all orbit and rotate. This process began 13.8 billion years ago, is now expanding, and will expand forever. But this is the really big perpetual motion! Why haven't we seen it yet? We have not noticed all this because objects and phenomena that are too big and too small are hard to spot.


 Fig. 5  The Universe


6. The atom as perpetual motion

The atom itself is an eternal moving one, as the electrons in it circulate non-stop. (Let's not take the imaginative picture of the Internet very seriously. We don't know what an atom is a today.) The circulating electrons, of course, radiate, while an inexhaustible vacuum of energy constantly replenishes the radiated energy. The first atoms appeared with some delay after the Big Bang, but since then the electrons have been are circulating non-stop and will even move to the end of the world.


Fig. 6  The atom

7. The nucleus like as perpetual motion

The nucleus is made up of a mixture of proton and neutron spheres. There are quarks in them and today’s science cautiously says they are “in motion” there. This is weak, we could say wrong wording. In spheres, quarks orbit at the speed of light. They certainly also radiate, namely in the invisible ultraviolet range. These quarks are thus as eternally moving as the electrons in the electron shell of atoms.


 Fig. 7  The proton

8. Light as perpetual motion
Light also moves forever until it is absorbed by some material body. Light (the photon) is mostly emitted by the electron shell of atoms, while an excited electron jumps from a higher orbit to a lower one. The difference in energy level gives the energy, frequency, and color of the photon. I hope no one seriously believes that the energy of the jump also determines the speed of light. The speed of light is determined by the energy level of the light carrier medium, the aether. When it reaches a transparent material, its brightness decreases because the material draws energy away from the aether. The light exiting the transparent material again picks up the speed in the vacuum.

   The role of vacuum in light propagation is better illustrated in the accompanying figure. The reflector in the pond of the ornamental park illuminates the water surface from below, passes through the Earth's atmosphere, and goes out into the vacuum. The speed of the light beam passing underwater is lower than above in the air. It accelerates to an even higher speed in space, reaching the normal c value there. Where would the ray of light (the photons) get the ever-increasing speed and the ever-increasing energy if not from the vacuum? And since the material of the vacuum is ubiquitous and therefore tries to accelerate the photons to speed c everywhere, the light is also perpetual.

The whole world is in perpetual motion!

Einstein regarded the cosmos as a constant, stable, well-constructed oiled machinery. The Creator cannot create anything but perfect! He said with sincere conviction. It then went into a serious mental crisis when it was revealed that the Universe was expanding, making it more likely to change in both its quality and physical parameters. Now we can be in a serious spiritual crisis if, after thinking the above, we realize that everything but everything is moving. It is especially difficult to accept that inanimate and living bodies, especially ourselves, are made up of ever-moving atoms moving inside and out. There is no exception, nothing is in one place. The Universe is an infinitely complex, dynamic system that moves in every detail.
   The world is made up exclusively of smaller and larger perpetual movers, contrary to the petrified misconception of the scientific community that the idea of ​​perpetual motion is a frivolous, unspeakable fantasy, and that perpetual motors do not exist. The same is said loudly in the so-called. skeptics, mamluk of science. Provoking scientific science, they use the weapon of contempt and ridicule against members of society who try to ask questions and think critically. But they are not right here, as they are in their other provoked topics. They, the skeptics, are the number one representative of the much-mentioned pseudoscience. The users of pseudoscientific vitamin methods are at a high and sophisticated level in scientific garb. In debates, they win heavily against like-minded people, in fact, they inadvertently stab society in the back.


Date: 2021.December 


Tom Tushey

Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer




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