The reactivated AETHER

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  Gravitational pull - which does not exist!  



Gravity is a very well-known, very common but very weak interaction. Yet this dominates the Universe. It is a putative mediator particle on the graviton, although unfortunately, no one has found it yet. In my own opinion, gravity is unable to realize the pull with such kinds of particles. It is the energy gradient of the high-energy Superhord Sea and exerts a force on the bodies.


However, it is an even bigger departure from the usual line of thinking that the gravitational interaction is not an interaction. The bodies or celestial bodies in the gravitational field do not interact with each other, but only with the superstring sea. How does gravitational “attraction” develop after this? Let's look at this problem in more detail.


The attractive effect is indirectly caused by the internal energy of the superstring sea as well as the tendency of material bodies to absorb energy. The kinetic energy of the superstrings surrounding the celestial bodies is constantly absorbed by the material body and transformed into energy waves imperceptible to our material world. This energy absorption eventually manifests itself in the form of an external circular pressure towards the body. In the case of two “close” celestial bodies, an energy-deficient area is created between the bodies that put less pressure on the celestial bodies.


Based on the above image, the situation arises that the celestial body is almost circularly exposed to a so-called it reaches normal pressure, where the energy gradients start with maximum energy, and when they arrive, the celestial body consumes them somewhat less. However, there is a dilution in the space between the two celestial bodies that release less pressure toward both celestial bodies. The celestial bodies are thus under pressure all around, but this pressure is less from the direction of the adjacent celestial body.



1. ábra   Vastag drótkötél tart ellen a Hold centrifugális erejének

It is clear from the above that the well-known gravitational “attraction” is not an attraction, but a circular pressure from all directions. However, this pressure is always a little weaker when looking in the direction of adjacent celestial bodies. The ancient idea of ​​gravitational “attraction” is a naive but very natural human reaction, as we directly perceive “attraction from the direction of the Earth. The apple in our hand is attracted with moderate force by the Earth beneath our feet, while the distant Moon senses a much greater attraction. In the case of the orbiting moon, however, a very considerable steel wire rope with a diameter of 460 kilometers would be required to withstand the centrifugal force. The Sun would use an even thicker rope to hold the Earth.



2. ábra   Szuperhúrok - Étertenger


   This rope would be as thick as the diameter of the Earth itself, i.e. 12,700 km. If the imagined wire ropes were to be replaced by gravitational pull, we would have to sense some kind of rope, but at least great pull forces, reaching in the critical direction.

   The pressure of the ether, or rather the gradient of the pressure of the ether, acts all around the surface of the Earth and pushes us to the ground. From the direction of the Sun, this effect is a little smaller, this pressure effect is smaller. Change can be measured instrumentally, although we do not perceive differences towards the sky. Of course, we don’t detect the huge wire rope or the flying gravitons either, since they don’t exist.


   Let’s face it, the wire rope solution, and even the idea of ​​attraction, in general, hasn’t materialized. Moreover, these ideas cannot even materialize. The same is true of the currently used space assumption as well as the curved space theory. These are immaterial abstract theories, they are not and cannot be related to our material world. (I will detail this in a later dissertation.)


    So let’s get over the centuries-old missteps and fruitless attempts! Let us take again the once-proven aether sea solution. Take note of and reuse the Ether Sea and the Super String Sea. These do fill the universe. Its pressure and energy loss are very small for each atom, but very high for a celestial body, as we have seen in the examples above. Our atoms are accustomed to this pressure, and even the pressure of the ether acts from within.


Instead of gravitational “attraction, an invisible and tremendous amount of energy is absorbed by the bodies. This energy is directed from the infinite superstring sea from the infinite to the center of gravity of the body. As energy is absorbed, there is pressure on the body and huge pressure on a planet-sized body.


     If we simply want to summarize what has been said so far, we must say that there is no “attraction” in the universe, but everybody and every celestial body is under the pressure of the superstring sea. This sea was previously called the Ether Sea by scientists before 1920. But those were the happy times! At that time, the scientific explanations of the Physicists still relied on a secure foundation, the ether, which could be considered material-like. However, since Einstein was unable to adapt this physical foundation to her theory, He swept the aether out of physics. The Age of the Ether Sea was followed by the era of Space, which is still in use today and contains nothing. From the ominous date of 1920 to the present day, the Physical Society can only “rely” on space. 


Straightforward and obvious:


Let us henceforth rely on the concept of gravitational pressure, and from this point onwards, let us permanently erase the concept of non-working or even non-existent gravitational attraction from the world of physics!!! Theoretical physics, including first and foremost quantum physics, is relieved by this change. As a result, freed from the burden of relativity, it will start a leap forward. At the same time, many erroneous theories may be corrected. The above change is not a modification, but a complete change of direction, a 180-degree turn. There is only one apt term for this process: a paradigm shift in physics!



3. ábra  A vákuum hiperhő eloszlása a Föld - Hold környezetében



Date: 2020.Szeptember 30.

Date: 2022. Február 09.


Tom Tushey

Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer





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