The reactivated AETHER

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  The reactivated AETHER  



Classical physics once seemed understandable. Today's physics, or modern physics, is completely incomprehensible. But it will make sense again if we bring back the aether that was once lost.


The aether (eter) is the most important element of the Universe that deserves the classic spelling: aether, even AETHER ! ! !


A paradigm shift in physics - now!


This chapter is the title of a major project and a paradigm shift in theoretical physics. Its most important entity is the Aether, which was "banished from physics" 100 years ago. The physics community has been suffering from the absence of Aether ever since but has not dared to say so, and in fact, does not even think it is suffering for it. However, natural phenomena and ever-higher levels of physical experimentation show ever more strongly that physics cannot be put together without a mediating medium. Some deep-thinking physicists have already realized this, but they dare not say so because they are intimidated to be told off.


I myself am an engineer and a physicist by hobby and I say with 100% conviction, even to, I am openly in favor of reactivating Aether, i.e. reintroducing it. I am well aware that this will mean a fundamental change, even a major upheaval in the science of physics at the beginning. But it is inevitable and cannot be delayed any longer. The current vacuum, empty or nearly empty, must be replaced by a vacuum filled with matter and energy, albeit after a 100-year hiatus. This is the aim of my forthcoming book, which will shed light on the problems and shortcomings of the present from many angles, and harmonize the link between present-day physics and ether-based physics, and the smooth problem-solving of physics on a new basis. The title of my forthcoming book:

Paradigm Shift in Physics - Now!



 Getting to know the Aether-tom project:








 Date: 2021. December 21.




konyv_hatso_borito_150.jpg                                                                    TomTushey

Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer




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Key words:

   Physics, Eter, Aether, Aether-tom, Universe, Einstein, Vacuum


Last update: 2022.06.18.


Tesla's work in Budapest Lásd itt!









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