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E = mc2-Shortly  




Brief description of E = mcderivation


  About "modern" physics in a classic and understandable way.  


Official name of the equation E = mc2: Equivalence of mass and energy. That is, we can calculate the hidden energy content of a mass m.


The derivation was made by Einstein in 1905 and then cosmeticized several times. The last version, from 1946, already relies on a qualitatively different, novel starting point. The new base is the so-called apparent deflection of the light beam. astronomical aberration caused by the movement of the observer.


   The phenomenon seems simpler if we think not of photons but of raindrops. In windless weather, the rain falls vertically downwards. Of course, we need to hold the top end of the stove tube vertically upwards so that the drops can pass through it unhindered. If we move forward - we attach it to a moving car - the bottom of the tube will move by the time the drop reaches there. Now the rain can only pass through the tilted pipe. The required angle of inclination Da is determined by the speed v of the car and the speed c of the raindrop: Da = v/c Radian.



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