The reactivated AETHER

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  On the wrong roads  




Here I walk along theseashore and collect colorful pebbles and empty shells with childish joy. ThenI am reminded of how deep and infinitely large the ocean waves before me. Howmuch curiosity and how much wonder can the deep hide while I am proud of thislittle collection of mine.


Isaac Newton: Principia



   Modern science started with Galileo. She was the first real experimental physicist who did not try to sort out the connections of nature by logic but experimented above all else. Four years after his death (1638), the second great physicist, Isaac Newton was born. He elevated naturalists and physicists from the category of despised magicians and drippers to the pedestal of lofty and powerful scientists. He achieved all this with his famous and thick book Principia. From this, scholars, jurists, and deeply revered nobles retreated and converted to respect for authority. After that, they rarely dared to put on any questions about the topics that had been debated so far. He became the prince of scientists, but for a single sentence at the end of his book, he too bowed his head before the infinite greatness of nature and acknowledged his smallness. However, despite the great scientific prestige that has developed, scientists, again and again, have strayed astray.


   Kepler went astray when he said that people also live on Jupiter. For why would the Lord God create the four moons, if not for the delight of the inhabitants. In His day, the usual deep true faith belief led so far away from the excellent naturalist we otherwise admire as the creator of Kepler’s laws. 



   Galileo went astray when he rejected Kepler's tide theory as a young scientist. While living in Venice, he had to admit that the tide did indeed occur when the moon was up in the sky. However, he also noticed that the tide would reappear after 12 hours. However, he did not find an explanation for this, so he, unfortunately, rejected the whole explanation.



   Galileo went astray when he believed that the Pope's friendship would protect him from the Inquisition. That is why he dared to stand by Copernicus, Kepler, and Giordano Bruno's theory that the Earth is not the center of the world. He could only avoid bonfire death by publicly denying his teachings when he was forced to read an evil and even disgraceful text on his head.


   The sci-fi filmmaker was wrong, who processed the encounter between Earth and a Magnetary-type star was lost. A magnetar is a small but massive star with tremendous magnetic field strength. Its magnetic field strength is 10 million teslas. This special effect erases magnetic information from a great distance, but more closely it simply disintegrates the known matter and perhaps even subatomic particles. Viewers also talked about why there wasn’t some terrible rumble click whistle either. The manager replied that the empty vacuum does not transmit sound. But he was wrong!


   It is an unexpected phenomenon that many people have already heard the whistling of meteors glowing at an altitude of 60-80 km. However, he could not hear the sound propagating through the air, since from that height the sound only reached the surface after 3 minutes. After all this time, however, the meteor is long gone or extinct. The solution is for the whistling signals to travel to the sound sensing center through the human brain. (Anyway, this is how every sound travels from the eardrum to the brain, that is, electrically, not mechanically.) Therefore, we will already hear the screaming sound of a magnetar appearing on the border of the Solar System. 


   The editor-in-chief of Nature was astray when he wrote me in a reply letter that Hafele's calculations were indeed good. The Hafele-Keating experiment is indeed a good one, but the delay in classes cannot be explained by the theory of relativity, as Hafele forced in his study. The young physicist start ted it started on the right track but ran into a theoretical mistake. He confirmed the conjecture that speed would slow down the clocks. In this matter, science is in a confusing position because the clocks show the expected phenomenon, the official theory used by the mainstream cannot prove this. It is a pity, that science does not admit that empty space is unable to influence the clocks.


   The "modern" physics is misguided when it thinks that the constant and

unchanging speed of light comes from itself, that is, the wave of light, or the photon itself. Most recently, it happened to Baron Münchausen that he grabbed himself and his horse out of the swamp by his cauldron. In my opinion, the steady speed of light on its own and the self-removal of the baron from the swamp are both fabulous tales.


   "Today's" science is astray because the thinks that there is an attraction, between celestial bodies, or ordinary bodies, or even elementary particles. Particle physicists try to explain this attraction by exchanging special particles, but this is impossible with the use of particles. It would require a very tricky solution (e.g. boomerang and air), but if we think about it, such forced comparisons are also inoperable. We can establish conclude that the solutions devised so far are inoperable.


 Otherwise, the illusion of attraction is created by external pressure, otherwise, it is not possible. The pressure is caused by a high-pressure ether hidden in the background, the pressure of which takes on a reduced value due to the energy absorption caused by the two celestial bodies. Less pressure erroneously appears as an attraction. Summarizing the above examples, it is clear that science is not going on one, but many wrong paths at the same time.


   I go even further because I believe that all the paths known and traversed so far are going in a fundamentally wrong direction. This is due not only to a large number of obvious mistakes but also to the fact that, as it currently stands, concrete walls block the ends of roads. I would mention two of these roadblocks, one that seems distant and innocent, and one that threatens to approach.


The concrete wall, which seems distant and innocent, is the inevitable arrival of multidimensional space. This is because space is not 3-dimensional (3D), this is felt by every leading physicist and is almost certain. They also talk about it often, although they can’t put together and handle the many dimensions. Unexplained experiments as well as stuttering theories 11 or 21 or 64 etc. a dimension number has already been floated before the eyes of simpler mortals. I’m making friends with the 9D version myself, though unfortunately, I can’t even see through the 6D space. Multidimensional space goes far beyond our knowledge and abilities, but it will all be unavoidable.


The menacingly close wall has been behind us for 100 years now, but we forgot to get out. It is too late, though, but scientists should accept that Outer Space is not empty, it is even full of invisible but very dense matter, namely ether. (The most sympathetic idea of ​​the structure of the ether is the superstring theory, which also brings about a qualitative change in approach and is supported by particularly strong mathematics.)


The great mistake was replacing ether with an empty vacuum that practically began in 1921. It was then that Einstein took over the Nobel Prize for the theory of relativity, and Eddington made telescope observation a little earlier, confirming Einstein's prediction of 4-fold refraction. (Those who don’t know Newton’s work well enough say it twice.)This experimental result was considered by experts to be a justification for general relativity, although this is not a good explanation. Because relativity clashed with the existence of the ether, Einstein had previously said with good tactics that he and His theory did not need an ether.


   Seeing a great success, the physicists now believed in him, and after that relativity was strengthened and the ether died out. But it is not entirely dead, because in modern experiments more and more phenomena have reinforced its necessity. By now, the lukewarm state of the vacuum had emerged, “neither cold nor warm,” nor empty nor full. This current vacuum is half empty, but "there's still something in it." This situation is good for “today’s” physicists because it’s easier to back out of here. Contrary to the above metaphorical considerations, the dense vacuum is the real and most important entity that exists. (See more later!)


   It fills the Universe with tremendous pressure and energy, it is around us, in us, and it is deep in our atoms. It holds together the material world we observe, the material bodies within it. If you think about it, with the rehabilitation of the ether, everything will return from its head to its feet, and all physical phenomena will gain a simple explanation. Thus, Einstein's statement in 1923 (although a highly controversial BBC statement) that the ether is essential to the construction of the Universe comes true.


 Date: 2022. Január hó


Tom Tushey

Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer




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