The reactivated AETHER

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Full Moon


A full Moon makes us sleep badly - a popular observation. But the reason, it is not imagination, not superstition, but the well-known cosmic ray and gravitational attraction combined. The surface of the Moon is bombarded by protons and electrons from the Sun, causing the lunar rock to reflect unknown radiation back to the Earth's night side. The brains of people with sensitive nervous systems (mostly women) detect this and respond with alertness and restlessness.




The mass of the Earth is small to bend light, but large enough to slightly bend the trajectories of protons and electrons travelling in the solar wind (400 km/s). As they pass, the gravitational force has a way of exerting its effect for a longer period of time, bending the particles' trajectories. .So, when the full Moon, the Earth pushes the subatomic particles toward the Moon and creates reflected radiation.


Mor detail see here!


Date: april 2022


 Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer



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Heti: 39
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