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Einstein's life work



1. The upper limit of the speed of light 

 Little Einstein had heard about the speed of light and its extremely high speed as a child. He imagined (1893) that he is running fast after a wave of light, and when he caught up with it he saw frozen waves. But that is impossible, he told himself- so the speed of light is impossible. But that is impossible, he said to himself, so the speed of light cannot be reached. It's a pity that at this point he lost his courage and didn't try to run even faster in his mind. Then he would have seen with his mind's eye that the waves were lagging behind him. This would have shown him that there was no limit or limit to what he could deduce from this thought experiment. 

The speed of light is extremely high, 300,000 kilometers per second. It was inconceivable to the child Einstein that this speed could be surpassed by anything or anyone. Unfortunately, this speed limit was so deeply "frozen" in his consciousness that he later took it as a trivial fact and incorporated it as a postulate into SR, the special theory of relativity. 

It is now clearly established that there is no speed of light limit. Astronomers, for example, are busily measuring the redshift of light from quasars. 

They use the number Z to indicate the number of times the speed of light that the observed object is moving away. Nowadays they are around Z = 11, which is 11 times the speed of light. Then there is the modern Big Bang theory. It claims with conviction that the explosion sphere was at first the size of an atom, grew to the size of an orange in the blink of an eye, and then grew to the size of our solar system in two minutes. If you think about it a bit, especially if you do the maths, you will immediately see that the speed of the explosion is many times the speed of light. (Just look it up: the solar system is about 2 light days across.) 

In a laoratory experiment in 2000, Wang detected a speed of light 330 times faster than the currently accepted value

  1. Speed is relative, 1905 . . .

  2.  Centuries ago, the naturalist Galileo pondered the question of whether speed was absolute or relative. He carried out some desperately inaccurate experiments to see if an absolute system could be found in which we could eventually measure absolute speed. (Nota bene, there is such a possibility!) This strange idea was certainly confirmed in Einstein's mind by the M-M experiment of 1897. The Michelsons' famous experiment seemed to be a failure of theoretical physics and logic because it showed light to have the same speed for all stationary and moving objects. As a way out, it flashed into Einstein's mind that if he rejected the possibility of aether, the fixed point, then the absolute speed, which can be handled with high priority, would also disappear. And relative benchmarks can be varied until the ground slips from under the feet of common sense. Finally, logic gives up solving the problem.

Modern experiments have shown, however, that for light, the Earth's surface and the nearby aether that adheres to it are such a fixed point. The misinterpretation originated from the interpretation of the Earth's surface as moving in an infinite sea of aether. It does not because it moves with the Earth near the surface. Experimental verification of this claim can be found here!


3. On the roaming of particles 1905

 When a drop of ink is put into a glass of water, the ink particles spread out over time and fill the whole glass. We now know that the ink particles are pushed around by the running water molecules, but at that time neither the concept of thermal movement nor the molecule existed. The grain is hit by pulses from all sides, and these show short-term fluctuations. Therefore, the particle slowly migrates out of position amidst uncertain back-and-forth motions. Einstein calculated the characteristic parameters for this using statistical mathematics in 1905. 


4. The photoelectric phenomenon 1905 

 The concept of the photon (the spherical photon) was coined by Einstein and introduced into physics. According to this theory, electrons leave the surface of metal because the energy of a photon of blue light is just enough to knock an electron out of the shell of a zinc atom. It does not react to red light, he said, because its photons do not reach the energy threshold of any intense beam of light. (He was wrong about this because intense red laser light also produces the effect.) The idea was flawed, but it was a forward-looking one. The lion's share of the work was done by Philip Lénárt (Hu), who carried out the experiments for 2 years, but Einstein put the finishing touches to the process with two months of work. For this, he was awarded the Nobel Prize. 


5. Special relativity SR, 1905 

 Einstein based his theory of special relativity on two postulates and two initial assumptions. To the speed of light limit (1) and the relative speeds (2). 

Both of his assumptions were flawed so a series of further compensating errors and well-intentioned logical miscalculations were then required to make the result at making it look right. The internal problems of the theory are shown by logical inconsistencies and erroneous predictions

Ad 1: the speed of light depends on the energy level of the environment, so it has a variable value.

Ad 2:The principle of relative speeds creates another insoluble problem. If we have two bodies and a relative velocity V, then our solution is bivalent because the vectors vA and vB are in opposite directions. This is a hiding error. However, if we consider three or 4 bodies, the number of "solutions" increases rapidly. Then the number of velocities becomes 6 or 24, and here we can be scared of which are real and which are not. However, to avoid tedious thinking, most people (Einstein included) are led to believe the superficial answer without criticism: 2 bodies, and one relative velocity. Thus both postulates are problematic, and the result is a flawed theory.


6. The theory of general relativity- GR

 After Einstein had completed his theory of special relativity, he felt that it covered too narrow a field of physics. It only dealt with uniform motion in a straight line and predicted practical changes only near the speed of light. But he noticed that gravity and acceleration were strongly similar and so he set out to combine them. He used the example of traveling in an elevator, where the passenger feels a definite loss of gravity when he accelerates downwards. The GR theory, completed by 1915, thus incorporated gravity and acceleration, while SR remained in it as a basis. But it retains the most fundamental pillar, that there is a void between bodies, so the existence of aether is not allowed. Another unclear concept, that of the fabric (spatial web) of space, is prominent in his reasoning.

The problem was compounded, however, because SR was also highly problematic, while GR was almost like an idea linked to two physical effects that were only the same in their unit of measurement: (kgm/s2) On these uncertain foundations Einstein placed a huge superstructure, such as the curvature of space, the cancellation of the graviton, the bending of light and the orbit of the planet due to the curvature of space, etc. These can be shown one by one not to exist, or to be replaced by physical phenomena known for a long time.


7. E = mc2, 1905 

 E=mc2 is perhaps the most important equation in science, but certainly the most famous. Many great physicists before Einstein had already tried to derive the well-known formula and came up with almost the same result. First among them was Lorentz, whose result 10 years earlier was E=mc1.98. Einstein himself modified it five times, but only his 1905 and 1946 papers are still in the public domain. 

The problem with the derivation is that it uses formulas that originally applied to light, not matter. It is true that Einstein also starts with light rays and the energy balance of a radiating body (a luminous rock). He assumes that the energy radiated is the same whether measured from a stationary or a moving coordinate system. Surprisingly, Einstein's chain of hard-to-follow reasoning eventually yields the right result, that the energy content of rock of mass m is mc2. 

He arrives at his goal unexpectedly, meanwhile making some conceptual and logical mistakes that do not always compensate for each other. The derivation is overcomplicated and contains unnecessary loops. Pongyola's style has hidden the inadequacy of the paper from most experts. In other words, it lacks a traceable process of proof itself, although the intended result is produced. 

continued at point 8


8. Elimination of aether 

 Even the ancient Greeks realized that the four basic elements (earth, water, air, fire) that make up the universe were not enough. There must also be a fifth, which creates the link between the other 4 elements and the bodies. This invisible, volatile substance is called aether (ether). It fills space, like a sea of air, but bigger, infinitely bigger. For physicists, it was a trivially existing entity until 1905. They had already measured quite a few of its physical parameters.

This is when Einstein and his theory of relativity came into play. The latter did not fit with the etheric sea of absolute calm. So Einstein slowly began to eliminate the ether from the realm of existing entities. "My theory does not need the ether," he said. That was reason enough because the scientific community had no better idea to solve the depressing M-M paradox. So they increasingly accepted Einstein's abstract theory and let the aether go to waste. 

By scrubbing out the aether, Einstein dug a very big and very deep hole in the highway of scientific progress. The vanguard drove into it, but now everyone is in the pit. 

But this pit is not a good place! You can dig deeper, scrape the sides - but you can't get out. It is a mystical place, very difficult to find your way around. Abstraction takes physics in the direction of abstraction, but its most striking flaw is that it conflicts with quantum theory.


9 Nobel Prize in Physics, 1921 

 After the successful verification of the theory of general relativity in 1919, it was a matter of public opinion that the Nobel Prize was a must. However, the President of the Swedish Academy, Arrhenius, was dismayed because he could not understand and logically put Einsetien's theory together. (This is still the case today, as no one has been able to understand and logically put relativity together.)

Einstein was on a lecture tour in Japan in 1920 and was not able to accept the prize until early 1921. Arrhenius continued to hold to his original opinion, and so in the Academic justification it was not the theory of relativity that was named, but the un photo effect. But this was the subject of Philip Lénárt (Hu). By the way, Arrhenius was an excellent scientist, he created the theory of Panspermia, according to which life originated on planets billions of years earlier, and the seeds of life were transported to the Earth's surface by comets.


10. The curved space-time 

 While working on GR, Einstein obtained a numerical value for the bending of a light beam due to the gravitational effect of the Sun. This value was twice the previous one. In 1919, it was experimentally confirmed, but the physical cause of the 0.877-arcsecond excess deflection remained unanswered. Einstein then came up with a very surprising, abstract, even heretical theory that the other half of the double curvature was caused by space (empty nothing). 


11. Cosmological constant 1923...

 While working on GR, Einstein obtained a numerical value for the bending of a light beam due to the gravitational effect of the Sun. This value was twice the previous one. In 1919, it was experimentally confirmed, but the physical cause of the 0.877-arcsecond excess deflection remained unanswered. Einstein then came up with a very surprising, abstract, even heretical theory that the other half of the double curvature was caused by space (empty nothing). 


12. Cosmological constant 1923 

At the time, it was commonly believed that everything in the cosmos was stationary and that the distance between stars was constant. Of course, this was Einstein's view as well. He believed more deeply than most in a static universe since his Creator God could not have created anything other than a perfect, final universe. So he tried to form general relativity in this direction. He built into his equations a so-called cosmic constant to counteract the gravitational pull towards the center of the cosmos. He called it repulsive gravity. In a way, he provided the stability expected of the cosmos in his theory. 

But in 1929, something unexpected happened. An American astronomer - Hubble - used a giant telescope to show that stars were moving away from one by one, meaning the universe was expanding. This effectively proved the hypothetical constant, but Einstein was stymied at this point. Hubble spent six months proving obvious to him before he came to believe it. After that, his confidence in the cosmic constant was shaken, and he later withdrew it. 

Historians of science blame him for this move. I don't think he should have withdrawn it either, for two reasons. He could have said that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with it, it just needed to be made a bit bigger. Or he could have said that there was another, as yet unknown, force at work. I am thinking of a third solution, dark energy. It is expanding - and at a variable rate - so it is probably also replenishing itself and manifesting itself as a force from the inside out. 

After all, I am positive about the creation of a cosmological constant because it has started a thought process in astronomy. Although we are still at the very beginning of this process. 


13. Bose-Einstein condensation 1923 

The Indian physicist Bose succeeded in deriving Planck's law of radiation for photons using a statistical method. Einstein generalized this to matter and all fermions with half spin. It was, however, obvious that the family of extremely behavioral, whole-spin particles should be called bosons after Bose.


14. E-P-R paradox 1935

The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox is one of the most famous thought experiments in quantum mechanics. Its original aim was to demonstrate the incompleteness of quantum physics theory and to reduce the role of the observer. "Colleague, can you see the moon in the sky? And if we don't observe it, is it not there?" - Einstein argued. 

The Bohr-led group of physicists had by then embraced non-locality and the key role of the idea of the observer in the control of micro-processes. Everyone was also familiar with the amazing phenomenon of entanglement. It was the phenomenon that two connected particles would hold hands even if they were infinitely far apart when they separated.


This also means hyper-speed of light or infinitely fast contact between bodies. 

Einsteins thought in terms of an electron-pair experiment, but they did not see electrons as the birthplace of the indeterminacy relation, but as a material reality. "Matter is nothing but a particularly strong state of a field in space," Einstein argued. John Bell put the theoretical debate into a mathematical formula and later resolved the hard formula.


Aspect performed the ultimate experiment with atoms and proved the incredible paradox. Today, this experiment is usually performed with a split and then combined laser beam. The first laser experiment was carried out in a 600-meter-long tunnel under the Danube in Vienna. 

Nowadays, the above revolution in the history of science is commented on as Einstein's logical, witty debate partner. Bohr, on the other hand, was the usual vague, unintelligible scientist with the wrong keywords - but he was still decisively right.


 I am on Einstein's side, and I believe with him that logic should not be abandoned. The physical micro-world has now become intangible and incomprehensible, but in a deeper layer, we will one day find 'matter' and meaningful order again. The way forward is to accept and spread the paradoxes of Bohr's quantum physics temporarily. Domestic science should also declare that today's physics has finally left the level of pious materialism and declare that a fundamental change of approach has taken place in physics and our so-called sense of reality. This implies that science will have to acknowledge the hitherto denied cluster of parallaxes, which will mean a temporary loss of prestige.


But scientific correctness requires the truth to be told, while to gloss it over is worse than simple pseudoscience itself. 

Unfathomable quantum mechanics, uncertainty, and the elusiveness of the material world are only temporary symptoms. The shallowness of our knowledge keeps us in a state of uncertainty, even chaos. There will come a time when we will perceive multidimensional space, the permeability of matter, and the indeterminacy relation as a logical fit of simple phenomena, much as we can easily follow the behavior of air molecules swirling around our room with the help of statistical mechanics. 


15. Unified field theory UFT 1949 

Nowadays, the disciplines of physics are fragmented and scattered: classical mechanics, electricity, magnetism, strong interaction, weak interaction, gravity, etc. It is like looking at continents fragmented by oceans: Europe, Africa, America, and Australia. 

No wonder all the eminent scientists have tried to unite them. Einstein tried it, but at the end of two decades of hard work, his hopes were dashed. 

His Monstre Lecture was given in front of the American and even the world's scientists, but it was a complete failure. 


Einstein spent the last decades of his life in solitary work, shutting himself off from modern physics, rejecting it on principle. "If I were to choose a profession today, I would not go into physics, but into carpentry. His work still makes sense!"

 So it was to be expected that his lecture would be poorly received by the razor-sharp brain young physicists who had long since given up on the idea.

They clamored and shouted. So it was with the mathematicians that they soon realized that the unknown mathematics Einstein used was a distorted version of the absolute calculus they had worked out earlier. Oppenheimer himself, the father of the atomic bomb, and the doyen of physics at the time remained disciplined. He had a famously calm temper, but he admitted afterward that he had been out of his depth at the time. 


 Einstein realized that he had failed to find his mermaid in the churning foam of the new mathematics. But with exemplary determination and diligence, he kept working until his death. Every month, he would choose an unsolved problem or paradox and analyze it with one or two of his students. Unfortunately, he never once found the key to the solution. Of course, he had lost that key in 1905, when he had abandoned physical reality for the relative theory of motion, a world of abstractions that logic could not unravel, and had banished the aether from the field of physics. 


16. 3+1 dimensional spacetime 

It is impossible for space to be 3-dimensional, although we humans see it as 3-dimensional and think of it as such. However, 3D, or three dimensions, is not enough for a sophisticated physical or cosmological theory. The minimum is 9D, below which it is hardly possible to go. But there are also 21, 32, 64, etc. dimensional theories of space.




Data 2022.06.18.


Tom Tushey

Mechanical engineer

Hobby physicist

Scientific writer






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